Kelta Fit Exercise Programme



Enjoy this 60-minute cardio programme. The steps are easy and the music is infectious. It's fun and if you want to do a live class online you can visit  and book in there. 

Canadian Barn Dance

2019-11-28T05:51:05+00:00Dancing, Scottish Country Dances|

The Canadian Barn Dance Steps The Canadian Barn Dance is a very popular couples ceilidh dance. It can either be danced in the same couples or be made progressive - either way, it is great fun! The dance begins with couples standing side by side facing anti-clockwise with their nearer hands joined. Traditionally the lady

The Dashing White Sergeant

2019-10-14T14:52:16+01:00Dancing, Scottish Country Dances|

The Dashing White Sergeant is based on the old Scottish dance formations of ‘setting’ and ‘reeling’. To begin, everyone must be in a group of three, traditionally either a man and two women or two women and a man. Non traditionally everyone can dance with everyone else, so don't worry about gender. Each trio should

Cumberland Square Eight


The Cumberland Square Eight is done in groups of eight but within the larger group of eight everyone has a partner. The dance is formed when four couples stand in a square facing in the way towards each other. We use the terminology 'Lady' and 'Man' when describing the roles in the Cumberland Square Eight

The Orcadian Strip The Willow


Orcadian Strip The Willow - positioning The Orcadian Strip the Willow is a high energy dance, couples form a line down the centre of the room facing each other. Traditionally men stand on the right and ladies on the left (as viewed by the band). However,  as long as you stand opposite your partner and

The Gay Gordons


The background to the Gay Gordons Named after a famous Scottish army regiment (known as the Gordon Highlanders), the Gay Gordons is a very popular couples ceilidh dance.  Whilst the dance normally begins as a partner dance, it can be made progressive. It is danced in a big circle of couples. Traditionally the lady stands

Ceilidh Band Hire

2020-03-03T16:46:36+00:00ceilidh band, Dancing, London Scots|

Ceilidh Band Hire We get asked a fair bit about Ceilidh Band Hire, so we thought we'd write a blog post about it, capturing the main points. 1.Try to give yourself as much time as possible. It sounds obvious but it will mean that you have more chance of getting what you want. 2. Try

Scottish Country Dancing London

2018-05-29T15:49:11+01:00Dancing, London Scots|

Scottish Country Dancing London We’ve bundled up Royal Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS), Reeling and Ceilidh into 1 handy page of contacts for Scottish Country Dancing London. What’s the difference between them all? The RSCDS and its affiliates are at the more refined end of the spectrum and ceilidh is at the rumbustious end. Reeling lies

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